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The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating, by Fergus Henderson
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The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating is a certified "foodie" classic. In it, Fergus Henderson -- whose London restaurant, St. John, is a world-renowned destination for people who love to eat "on the wild side" -- presents the recipes that have marked him out as one of the most innovative, yet traditional, chefs. Here are recipes that hark back to a strong rural tradition of delicious thrift, and that literally represent Henderson's motto, "Nose to Tail Eating" -- be they Pig's Trotter Stuffed with Potato, Rabbit Wrapped in Fennel and Bacon, or his signature dish of Roast Bone Marrow and Parsley Salad. For those of a less carnivorous bent, there are also splendid dishes such as Deviled Crab; Smoked Haddock, Mustard, and Saffron; Green Beans, Shallots, Garlic, and Anchovies; and to keep the sweetest tooth happy, there are gloriously satisfying puddings, notably the St. John Eccles Cakes, and a very nearly perfect Chocolate Ice Cream.
- Sales Rank: #201272 in Books
- Brand: ECCO
- Published on: 2004-03
- Released on: 2004-03-30
- Ingredients: Example Ingredients
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.13" h x .56" w x 7.38" l, .67 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 224 pages
- Ecco
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Nose to tail - a utilization of innards.
By Nicoletta
This book is really written for the restaurant industry. Some of the preparations are really for professional chefs, butchers and kitchens. Nonetheless, it's a good read. If you grew up with a family that traditionally ate tongue, kidney, liver, pickled pigs feet, tripe, pigs ear, you might think that the author has come to the table a little late and wonder what the fuss in about. Although I have yet to try any of the recipes (I have a few of my own up my sleeve - or my grandmother's) some read yummy and some I'm not so sure about. Cooking it up is the only way to find out! If you're bored with steak, think the meat counter at the store is a monotony of the same stuff all of the time (you're right), then this book might open a whole new world for you. One of the problems you will face is where to find some of the ingredients. If you live near an "enthnic" neighborhood butcher shop (do they still exist in our U.S. homogenized food culture?) you may find what you need, or you may have to special order some of these cuts of meat. It could be a fun adventure!
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Cissa
OK- I want to cook almost all of these recipes. (I make exceptions for brains and sweetbreads.)
All the rest though? Brilliant. I plan to start a salted and dried pork liver in the next couple of days.
Also- if you want to do a proper haggis for Burns Day- here's a recipe!
More seriously- though I may try a haggis at some point- there's a really thorough discussion of confit and how we can do it.
I have never thought I'd want to cook tripe... but I'm getting intrigued.
This book really encourages one to expand beyond one's usual preconceptions. Even before getting the book, I've tried a couple of the more conventional recipes, and they've been great. I look forward to trying the catsup recipe- I've been looking for a solid catsup recipe that would substitute for commercial.
Recommended, even if only for inspiration!
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I totally recommend this book to those who want to "know absolutely ...
By Victor Snow
I am a foodie! I consider myself a purist.. I have spent my life practicing the art of cooking. In order to do this, books have been my guide and savior. This book, gives new insight and complete descriptions on the cooking of uncommon foods. I totally recommend this book to those who want to "know absolutely everything" and was too scared to ask!
In addition, this book was a recommendation from Amazon. As I perused other books, Amazon suggested this book and I made this purchase based on Amazon's recommendation. I am very pleased with my purchase and that I followed their advice.
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